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licking feet

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licking feet Empty licking feet

Post  puglover22 7/30/2010, 5:13 pm

Louie has started licking his feet lately, and his forarms too. They are usually a very faint pink, that is almost un-noticible unless you look close. If you spread his toes they're real pink. I've started washing his feet every time we come inside because someone told me it could be grass spores irritating his feet. I've given him a benadryl sometimes to stop the relentless licking and chewing. Was wondering about benadryl spray.....does anyone know?

Number of posts : 608
Location : chicago

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licking feet Empty Re: licking feet

Post  northernwitch 7/30/2010, 5:31 pm

I've never used the benadryl spray. But I've found two things do help with the itchy feet--soaking them in either epsom salts or decaffinated green tea--my homeopathic vet recommended the green tea for Tank and I thought it was odd, but it does work. I sometimes apply the wet tea bags directly to his itchy spots and it helps.....

It does sound like a contact allergy.

Number of posts : 11031
Location : Toronto, Ontario


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licking feet Empty Re: licking feet

Post  puglover22 7/30/2010, 5:54 pm

oh very interesting Blanche, thanks!
I thought about epsom salts, I have some, but opted for plain water because i wasn't sure.....the green tea is a new one on me....
I have some at home, but I have to check and see if it's de-caffinated.
does it stain their paws?

Number of posts : 608
Location : chicago

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licking feet Empty Re: licking feet

Post  Aussie Witch 7/30/2010, 7:28 pm

Imi does it as an OCD symptom. She does it with such determination that there is a watery bloody stain left wherever she is sitting working at it. Wish I could stop it! Hope you can fix Louie's easily, Stephanie.
Aussie Witch
Aussie Witch

Number of posts : 8556
Location : The Antipodes.

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licking feet Empty Re: licking feet

Post  puglover22 7/31/2010, 12:23 am

ooh Rona that's terrible! I might be tempted to put a cone on her, that would drive me crazy! It drives me crazy now, but if the poor guy itches, I can't blame him...
I wonder about some of those anti itch sprays, not just benadryl, but other ones. He's getting his nails trimmed tomorrow at the vet and if it hasn't improved, he may see the vet. I hate to do it because I doubt they're going to tell me anything different.

Number of posts : 608
Location : chicago

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licking feet Empty Re: licking feet

Post  Snifter&Toddy 7/31/2010, 5:58 am

Snifter licks his feet quite a bit.

When we were up at the AHT the dermatologist took a swab from between his toes (I couldn't believe Snifter allowed him to!) and it turns out they are quite yeasty. This could just be because pugs have quite fleshy feet so the yeast can thrive between the toes, or it could be a symptom of allergies which we are looking into also.

In the meantime he has advised me to wash his feet twice a week with Malaseb shampoo.

I shall be interested to see if this makes any difference.

Number of posts : 2071
Location : England

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licking feet Empty Re: licking feet

Post  northernwitch 7/31/2010, 12:39 pm

Snifter&Toddy wrote:Snifter licks his feet quite a bit.

When we were up at the AHT the dermatologist took a swab from between his toes (I couldn't believe Snifter allowed him to!) and it turns out they are quite yeasty. This could just be because pugs have quite fleshy feet so the yeast can thrive between the toes, or it could be a symptom of allergies which we are looking into also.

In the meantime he has advised me to wash his feet twice a week with Malaseb shampoo.

I shall be interested to see if this makes any difference.
For really severe yeasties, I've used Nizoral shampoo with some success. The homeopathic vet was pretty clear that what I really want to achieve with my yeastie boys is dryness so that I only soak or bathe when absolutely necessary and then make sure they are dry, dry, dry. Yeast loves moisture.

And Stephanie--yes, the tea does leave a bit of a stain. Not dreadful, but yes.

Number of posts : 11031
Location : Toronto, Ontario


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licking feet Empty Re: licking feet

Post  puglover22 8/2/2010, 9:33 am

well I used some epsom salts in the tub Fri night and he walked around in there, kicked the water around a bit, and I thought that was easier and maybe better than trying to dip one paw at a time in a bowl, because he would always kick over the bowl. licking feet 257673
Then we dried his tootsies as good as we could and Saturday his feet looked pretty good, so I didn't see the vet, he just got his nails trimmed by the tech. His regular vet wasn't in and my next favorite vet wasn't in and the only one there was a "fill-in" vet, so I didn't want to waste the time or money. I think I get better advice here from pug people!
I made a note of those 2 shampoo's and will possibly try them if his current routine doesn't seem to be cutting it. Thanks everyone!!

Number of posts : 608
Location : chicago

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